Onlinekurs Understand to Empower

The online course for horse people

Train fairly and at eye level with your horse and build a harmonious relationship.

waiting list

Train independently & effectively

I will pass on my training concept to you and you will get to know the principle behind horse training. If you have understood that, you can give your horseteach everything.

Understand your horse

See the world like your horse. You understand exactly how it acts, thinks and perceives. With this knowledge you are an understanding companion for your horse.

improve your relationship

Together we turn the horse-human relationship upside down. This particular interspecific constellation needs special attention. You grow closer together with your horse and solve every problem.

Do you sometimes wish you could look inside your horse's head?
Do you find it difficult to understand your horse, train it and build a harmonious relationship?
Do you guys sometimes clash and wish it were easier?

Introduce yourself...

...You could interpret every behavior of your horse and react accordingly.

...You could teach your horse any exercise imaginable.

...Communicating with your horse would always be understandable without frustration and misunderstandings.

...You could use your time together wisely and solve problems independently.

...You would know exactly how your horse ticks and could adapt your handling accordingly.

...You could train 100% per horse and give your horse a fair education.

...Everyday life with your horse would be characterized by lightness, understanding and fun.

Is that exactly what you want?

Then my online course "Understand to Empower" is the right place for you!

Hey, I'm Anna!

At the age of 18 I became self-employed with horse training, because it was clear to me that this is my way and my way of working with horses has to go out into the world. Now I'm going one step further and making my knowledge digitally tangible for you.

I stand for fair training based on scientific facts and a relationship with the horse characterized by understanding, a say and trust.

I've been allowed to go my training path with countless horses and people and was able to polish all the details perfectly. My goal is always to find the perfect individual way for each horse-human pair while remaining true to my principles. This is exactly what awaits you here in the online course.

In the online coursedo you learn, communicate with your horse at eye level and to build a fair, trusting relationship. to structure the training in order to achieve your goals effectively and efficiently. your horse thinks, sees and feels and what that means for your being together.

Components of the online course

Knowledge for theory & practice

You get exactly the knowledge you need in clear modules. Simply packaged for all types of learners, you learn exactly the way you need it. There are also exercises with video instructions that you can do with your horse, as well as tasks and games to accompany you on your way.

Workbook as everyday companion

A physical workbook with the course content accompanies you forever. Here you will find explanations, tasks and lots of information to look up. Even long after the end of the course, you will continue to be accompanied.

companion on the journey

In a group with me and all course participants you can exchange ideas and support each other. We discuss tasks, modules and questions. You will be accompanied and motivated on your journey.

Personal feedback on your training

The online course includes online lessons and video analysis with me. So I can personally help you in practice. I explain connections between your actions and the behavior of your horse, give you tips and further tasks.


What awaits you?

theory clear

In 10 modules with a total of 24 building blocks, you will get to know my complete training method.

practice exercises

8 exercises to lay the perfect foundation with your horse.

practice games

6 games for a fine and fun relationship with your horse.

inner pictures

6 inner pictures to make your training even easier.

case studies

4 case studies to understand the meaning behind the theory and to motivate you.

questions and tasks

28 questions and tasks to complete to help you reflect, learn and implement.

members area

If you like, exchange ideas with the other course participants and me, discuss the tasks and questions and take even more knowledge with you.

Live Group Calls

In three group calls we will discuss various topics live as a group, look at case studies and I will answer your questions.

1:1 video analysis

Depending on the course package you choose, you send me
2-12 training videos from you and receive personal feedback so that you can master the transition from theoretical knowledge to practical implementation even better.


Access to:

Workbook & Boni

Modules, building blocks & videos

Inner pictures & case studies

Practice exercises & games

3 Live Group Calls

Questions & Tasks

members area

2 video analysis

435 Euro


Access to:

Workbook & Boni

Modules, building blocks & videos

Inner pictures & case studies

Practice exercises & games

3 Live Group Calls

Questions & Tasks

members area

6 video analytics

610 Euro


Access to:

Workbook & Boni

Modules, building blocks & videos

Inner pictures & case studies

Practice exercises & games

3 Live Group Calls

Questions & Tasks

members area

12 video analysis

direct personal answers to all your questions via WhatsApp

780 Euro


Access to:

Workbook & Boni

Modules, building blocks & videos

Inner pictures & case studies

Practice exercises & games

3 Live Group Calls

Questions & Tasks

members area

310 Euro


Please contact me for more information!

The first round of the course is currently running. Let yourself be put on the waiting list and find out all the information about another course start in the future!

waiting list

You are in the right place if... want to try new ways.

...You want a relationship of equals with your horse. want to give your horse a say. want to understand the secret behind horse training. want to do more with your horse than riding.

...You are willing to change something.

Are you looking for something different if... are looking for shortcuts and fast training methods.

...You are not ready to let go of old beliefs. have already found the perfect method for you. value success over relationship. don't want to work with your horse off the ground. don't want to change your training.

It does not matter,

..which riding style you follow. much you know. far you are with your horse. old you are or your horse is.

You and your horse are very welcome!

"Change your focus, then transform

your horse."

Are you unsure whether you will learn independently and with motivation in an online course?

Don't worry, I've thought of everything and the perfect format for every type of learner! Your online course consists of very different parts.


Who wants to sit down at their laptop every day? With the app, you have access to the entire course anytime, anywhere, so you can continue your education flexibly.


Videos with me as the speaker with slides with key points and mnemonics, as well as training excerpts. I will explain everything to you in a relaxed and detailed manner.


You will find all modules written down in your physical workbook to underline, circle & feel.

practical tasks

Do you have to get going to really deepen your knowledge? I support you with questions, tasks, games, exercises and practical examples. Let's look at your work together!


You can exchange ideas with the other participants, find new motivation and inspiration and thus make further progress. Also the

Live video calls take place in the group.


Bored watching videos? Then I also have the audio track from the videos for you in podcast format, so that you can educate yourself with me in your ear.

you get yours physical workbook sent,

All course content is written down there for you.

Also some additional information!


The perfect start to clicker training!

Your training diary

After the class... can understand and classify your horse, its actions and reactions and react fairly to them. know how your horse learns and how you can motivate it to cooperate. have grown closer together with your horse.

... you can work with your horse with a good feeling without fear of doing something wrong. have improved your signaling and body language and can communicate well with your horse are a better partner for your horse. have laid a solid foundation in floor work, which makes your daily work playfully easy. have new inspiration for exercises and goals that you can work on with your horse.


  • Is the online course also something for me if I am a beginner?

    You are in the right place. Of course you should have basic knowledge about horses, but otherwise you can learn a lot and get started right from the start and for each horse!

  • What makes Understand to Empower different from other online courses?

    I have made sure that the course motivates you to complete it completely and that it is something for every type of learner. You are in contact with me, with varying degrees of intensity depending on the package. I won't just leave you alone with the content.

  • How long do I have access to the content and contact with the community?

    You have one year to edit the content and access to the group. Of course you have your physical workbook forever.

  • When does the supervised phase of the online course start and end?

    We all start together at the end of September and I will look after you for 12 weeks. But you can also work more slowly and have another two weeks after the end of the course to redeem any remaining video analyses. You have access to the content on the course platform for one year.

  • Can I work through the online course more slowly or later?

    Yes this is not a problem. You have access to all content for one year. The intensively supervised phase ends after 12 weeks, with two more weeks to redeem remaining video analytics.

  • I don't have my own horse, can I still participate?

    You can do it. Either you work through the course purely theoretically, which is also worthwhile, or you have the opportunity to work with a friction partner, the horse of a friend or similar.

  • What do I need to participate?

    Ideally, you have your own horse with which you can go through the course. You can do the course on the headcollar, I'll tell you something about better equipment in the course, but it's nothing big. Otherwise, a riding arena, paddock or a fenced off piece of pasture is important.

  • Can I buy the course later?

    Only a joint start is planned, once the course is running you can no longer buy it.

  • Can I return the course if I'm not satisfied?

    You can cancel the course with me within 14 days of the start.

  • Who do I contact with further questions?

    You can just get in touch with me via email or social networks!

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